纯Cr2O3和含10%金刚石微粒的两种Cr2O3喷涂层与Si3N4陶瓷球组成摩擦副,用摩擦磨损试验机进行不同载荷下的摩擦磨损实验。用型号为Hitachi-4800的扫描电镜和Micro XAM-100白光干涉仪分析两对摩擦副在不同载荷下的磨损形貌。结果表明,添加10%金刚石微粒的Cr2O3喷涂层的表面硬度和截面硬度均比纯Cr2O3涂层的高;随着载荷的增加,两种喷涂层的摩擦系数均呈现出降低趋势,且无论何种载荷作用下,纯Cr2O3涂层的磨损率有增大的趋势,而添加10%金刚石微粒的Cr2O3喷涂层的磨损率则呈现出相反的规律,且磨损率逐渐降低,表现出良好的减摩性能。干磨低载下Cr2O3涂层的磨损机理主要为粘着磨损和轻微的涂层剥落,高载下伴随轻微磨粒磨损;而含10%金刚石微粒的Cr2O3涂层具有良好的减摩特性,降低了涂层发生粘着和剥落的可能性。
The tribological properties of the Cr2O3 coatings,deposited by plasma spraying on substrate of stainless steel and added with 10% diamond powder( average grain-size of 10 μm),were investigated with scanning electron microscopy,white light interferometer and conventional mechanical probes. The results show that the addition of diamond powder significantly improved the hardness,friction coefficient,wear resistance,compactness and interfacial adhesion of the Cr2O3 coatings. To be specific,the surface and cross-sectional hardness,wear resistance and interfacial adhesion of the Cr2O3 coatings added with diamond powder were higher than those of the pure Cr2O3 coatings. As the load increased,the friction coefficient of the more compact Cr2O3 coatings added with diamond powder decreased. Moreover,an addition of diamond powder strongly reduced the adhesive wear and peeling-off probability of the Cr2O3 coatings.