月球影像数据是研究月球的地貌、地袁形态,绘制全月地形图以及进行各种相关科学研究的基础.早期的Lunar orbiter,Apollo,Surveyor基本是以模拟影像格式传回地球,经过扫描后以照片形式发布.Clementine的数据是通过PDS中心,以PDS的形式发布的.影像数据的保存与发布格式应遵循以下原则:数据格式要便于经常更新和补充;能够在各种平台和各不同目的使用人群中方便地使用;要符合国际标准,方便处理,能够与以前多次探测计划得到的数据结合使用.为中国嫦娥工程的影像数据格式提出建议.
Lunar imagery data are significant resource in lunar scientific researches. In earlier lunar explorations such as lunar orbiter, Apollo and Surveyor missions, the imagery data were transmitted to Earth as analog data and were scanned for distributing, images were usually saved as photos to distribute to users. In Clementine programs, the data are transmitted to the PDS node, and PDS center are responsible for organization and distribute of the data. Several principles should be applied in saving and distributing imagery data. One is the imagery data can be renewed and extended continuously. The other is the data can be expediently used in different platform and are available for not only scientific organization but also general interested user. In addition to above this, the data format should be coordinuted with international data format organization standard to conveniently manipulate and manage. We table a proposal for imagery data format in Chang'er project.