全球范围时空连续的长时间序列地表反照率,对气候模拟与陆面过程研究具有重要意义。针对现有地表反照率产品普遍存在大量的数据缺失、有效反演比例低和时间序列短的问题,本文以多年MODIS和AVHRR数据,通过构建背景知识库进行高时间分辨率的AVHRR和MODIS数据的BRDF参数反演,实现MODIS与AVHRR数据在像元尺度上的定量融合,生成了全球时空连续长时间序列的地表反照率产品。首先,通过假设不同年份同一时期的地表状态不变,利用多年同一时期的MODIS和AVHRR观测数据构造多角度方向反射率,基于BRDF模型反演得到窄波段反照率;然后,通过宽波-窄波转换,得到MODIS的宽波段反照率;最后,结合AVHRR长时间序列优势及MODIS数据多光谱的特点,对二者进行定量融合,生成具有高度一致性长时间序列地表反照率产品。验证结果表明,本文地表反照率产品在地表异质性较小时与SURFRAD地面实测反照率之间具有非常好的一致性,在无积雪覆盖时与MODIS反照率产品之间吻合良好。本文的地表反照率产品无时空缺失,且时间覆盖率得到了极大的提高,能支持气候模式模拟与陆面过程模型进行近30 a来的地气系统模拟研究。
Global continuous long-term surface albedo products are of great importance to land surface process and climate modeling research. Problems such as severe data missing and low effective retrieval percentage in the current albedo products made them difficult to meet the requirements of climate modeling perfectly. To solve those problems, this paper made two improvements on MODIS albedo product algorithm. One improvement was to modify the way of composing and selecting enough directional reflectance, which were used for the generation of background BRDF parameters. We assumed that the surface would change little in the same time period during different years. Therefore, all directional reflectance of multi-years for each time period could be used for the composition and selection, in which at least 7 valid directional reflectance for each pixel were used to conduct the BRDF retrieval. Another improvement was the quantitative data fusion between MODIS and AVHRR data, which helped to expand the temporal coverage of albedo products to 30 years. Validation results showed that this new albedo product kept great consistency with the relatively homogeneous SURFRAD site albedos and was almost the same with MODIS snow-free albedo product. These were no spatial or temporal data missing in this new albedo product and the temporal coverage had been greatly improved. Therefore, this new albedo product would be more suitable for the applications of land surface process and climate modeling research.