Gendered studies played more and more important role in human scientific field in post-modem era. Gender, not only relates with individual identity as a natural character tics, also indicate a social relation- ships which concerned social regeneration, social inequality and Resistance of the privileged. This paper summed feminist geographical studies from three sides: theoretical sources of feminist geography; western studies on feminist geography and China's local feminist geographical studies. In theoretical perspective, feminist geography is a comprehensive outcome of humanistic geography, structural geography and post- modemism geography, individually contributed by affection experiences and identification, gender's role in spatial structuring and functioning, de-androcentralism and female shaping of space and place. In terms of western studies on feminist geography, discussion on relationships between female, space and power was an extremely hot topic. Main parts in foreign feminist geographical studies covered baby geography, working spaces, home making as well as public space. Domestic feminist geographical studies mainly discussed fe- male migration, employment geography, human geography, tourism geography and social housing in earlier age, later focused more on disadvantageous geography, social geography and ne-cultural geography which re- lated with newer key words like spatial identity, spatial politics, baby geography, representational space, family power, homosexual space and human capital, etc. Compared with foreign peers, most of domestic femi nist geographical studies just did case studies tapping foreign feminist theories, which was a responsive study of foreign peers.