LMDZ4, a variable-resolution global atmospheric general circulation model,is assessed against observed data in Southeast Asia before its further utilization in climate change downscaling studies.The model is developed in the Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique in Paris, as the atmospheric component of the ocean--atmosphere coupled system IPSL-CM5A.In order to investigate the ability of LMDZ4 in simulating East Asian summer precipitation, temperature and circulation, this paper analyzes the causes of simulation deviation and some of the uncertainties in this model.The study is expected to lay a foundation for further forecasting of future climate changes.In this study, LMDZ4 has its domain centered over Southeast Asia[ domain center at (30°N, 110°E) ;cover-age:(5-55°N, 85-135°E)], and is driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis data from 1979 to 2009. It is actually used as a traditional limited-area model with the whole globe as the buffer zone that receives the ERA-Interim data.The nudged variables include zonal wind,meridional wind,temperature and specific humidity,with a time interval of 6 h.There are 121×120(latitudexlongitude)grids and 19 layers in the vertical direction.The spatial resolution inside the domain is approximately 0.6°×0.6°.The driving forcing is added through a relaxation procedure. We impose a long( 10 days,but not infinite,to be comparable with other simulations using this historical set-up) relaxation time scale inside the domain,while the relaxation time scale outside the domain is 1.5 h.The use of two distinct relaxation time scales inside and outside the domain enables the model to run almost freely inside the domain, whereas it completely follows the forcing outside the domain. For the purpose of model assessment, daily temperature and rainfall at a few meteorological stations in China are used.These two datasets are available with a resolution of 0.5°×0.5°. Results show that the mean state of the major atmospheric general circulation systems can be simulated well