TEs paper measures the embodied carbon emission intensity ( ECEI) of 14 sectors of manufacturing exports in China in the period of 2000 - 2011 by applying MRIO model that takes into account of the feedback effects. It further examines the impacts of different technological progress paths on the ECEI of Chinese manufacturing exports from the perspective of the division status in globalvalue chains % GVC) both theoretically and empirically. The results indicate that major factors that significantly reduce the ECEI ofChinese manufacturing exports are intermediate input imports, R&D and the imitation innovation, but factors including foreign technology imports and FDI can hardly take effects. Therefore,improving the international division status of Chinese manufacturing in GVC can sharply reduce the ECEI of Chinese manufacturing exports. To scrutinize further,we progress paths have on the ECEI of Chinese manufacturing exports are influenced by the division status of Chinese manufacturing inGVC,which presents evident threshold characteristics. Specifically,only when the division status goes beyond technological progress patlis have a negative effect on the ECEI. Moreover,these effects show great industry manufacturing industries into three categories: knowledge-intensive,capital -intensive and labor-intensive. Accordingly, we proposesome suggestions of reducing the ECEI of Chinese manufacturing exports. First,we should give full play R&D and the imitation innovation in the role of reducing the ECEI, and introducecleaner production technologies from developed countries in the process of introducing FDI and foreign technologies. At we should enhance the competitive advantages by establishing positively national and regional value actively in global innovation chains,and finally improving the division status of Chinese manufacturing in GVC. Last but not least,thegovernment should implement the technological innovation and introduction policies disparately to various industries given thedifferences of