如何实现GIS网络数据在Oracle中的存储、管理、应用与开发是GIS的一个重要研究内容。基于Oracle 10g SDO网络实现GIS网络数据的存储与管理,不需要人为设计存储方案,并利用Map Viewer完全支持SDO网络的特点,快速实现GIS网络的WebGIS开发,为建立与开发更为复杂的GIS网络系统提供基础支持和保障。
How to implement storage,management, application and development of GIS network data in Oracle is an important content in GIS researching. The design of storage scheme for doing it can be ignored based on Oracle 10g SDO network. And the Web GIS of GIS network can be implemented quickly by using MapViewer,whieh supports the SDO network completely. All of these can offer basic support and guarantee for building and developing more complex network system of GIS.