The flotation reagents are of apivotal factor in the separation of various minerals in flotation. The flotation of wolfram is difficult due to the intergrowth of wolframite and scheelite. For the sufficient recovery of wolfram, the effective collecting reagents which can do floatation both of wolframite and scheelite are needed to be developed. In this disquisition, the flotation of wolfram mineral is tried with taking salicyl hydroximic acid as the collector, Pb (NO3)2 as the activator and sodium silicate as the depressant, in which better results of concentration are gotten. In the further fine concentration process of a raised temperature, 70.16% of the specific grade of wolfram concentration (WO3) and 67.24% of the rate of recovery is obtained by adding combination reagents of Na2S and Na2SiO3·9H2O.