Through applying information technology, MOOCs are breaking down the barrier of space and time in face-to-face teaching and making it possible to provide high quality education for billions of people. However, because of asymmetric information in education and labor market, the quality of MOOC and learners’ achievements can not be acknowledged by the public without accreditation. Conventionally, universities are both as educators and accreditors simultaneously. A university must assure learners the quality of its services and convince employers of the abilities of its graduates. Learners’ and employers’ trust in a university is built on the fact of its having been accredited. The present accreditations of higher education consist of college accreditation and program accreditati on which are based on the evaluation of physical resources and academic publications. However, the MOOC accreditation needs to evaluate both the courses and the learning outcome, therefore the three major MOOC platforms in the United States have adopted several innovative strategies to make MOOCs credible. According to learners’ needs, MOOCs in higher education can be divided into two categories, MOOCs for university and MOOCs for career development. College students wish to replace or supplement their local courses with high quality MOOCs and thus enhance the outcome of their learning. The effective accreditation of MOOCs for universities requires forming a credit consortium who enact the standard for MOOC accreditation and coordinate collective recognitions of MOOC credits. Professionals wish that MOOC learning can help them quickly master the knowledge and skills, and secure opportunities of job interview and employment. The effective accreditation of MOOCs for career development depends on the prestige of MOOC developers and the informative digitally verified certificates that can be considered as signals of high quality. The outstanding reputation of top universities facilitates the acceptance of MOOC by employers but the conf