EAST偏滤器充气系统是辐射偏滤器研究的重要方面。本文详细介绍了 EAST新一轮改造升级后偏滤器充气系统最重要的两个特性———充气阀流量率和管道延迟时间的标定,结果显示系统性能得到较好优化,流量率线性稳定,延迟时间缩短约一半左右。
The divertor gas puffing system is an important part of the research for radiative divertor . This paper describes the new gas puffing system in the recent round of upgrades in EAST , and specifically focuses on the two most important features———the calibration of the flow rate of valves and the delay time of pipeline . The results show that the system is in a perfect state , have a steady linear flowrate curve , and the final delay time is in half .