In order to stu distribution as well as the dy the meso- and micro-zooplankton species composition, abundance and assemblages relationship between zooplankton and the environmental factors, a survey was conducted and the zooplankton samples were collected using a shallow water style plankton net (mesh size 200μm) in Sep- tember 2010 in Yellow River Estuary and its adjacent area. A total of 48 zooplankton species and 21 pelagic larvae were identified, and they belong to the phylum Protozoa, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Chordata, Arthropoda and Chae- tognatha. Copepod is the most dominant component of the Crustacea, and Crustacea and Cnidaria dominated the components of the zooplankton. The number percentage of pelagic copepod and Cnidaria species were 37.5% and 20.8% of total species, respectively. The abundance of zooplankton is from 2300.1 ind/m3 to 266232.0 ind/m3, and the main abundance was 37074.3 ind/m3. There are 8 dominant species/taxa in the survey area, which are Noctiluca scintillans, Paracalanus crassirostris, Paracalanus parvus, Centropages dorsispinatus, Oikopleura dioica, copepod nauplii, Gastropod post larve and Brival larvae. Noctiluca scintillans is the most dominant species in this survey. Based on the species composition and the abundance of each species in each station, four zooplankton assemblages were differentiated by using the method of cluster analysis. The distribution of different assemblages are mainly influenced by sea water temperature, salinity and current.