橘小实蝇复合体Bactrocera dorsalis complex是以橘小实蝇命名的实蝇类群,已知75种,广泛分布于亚洲、澳洲及环太平洋周边地区。文章概述基于形态学和遗传学特征基础上的橘小实蝇复合体的分类鉴定及系统发育研究进展,介绍近年来分子生物学技术在橘小实蝇复合体分类及系统发育研究中的应用情况,展望系统发育和行为学研究是橘小实蝇复合体未来研究的重点领域。
The Bactrocera dorsalis complex of tropical fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinac), a group of insect pests of fruits and crops, contains 75 described species, largely endemic to regions of Asia, Australia and the Pacific. The taxonomic studies of B. dorsalis complex by morphological and genetic characters are reviewed. It is helpful to apply the molecular approach to taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis for the complex. And the outlook of phylogenetics and behavioral study of the complex will be focused in the future.