Named Entities are important meaningful units in texts. The recognition and analysis of named entities is of great significance in the field of Web information extraction, Web content management and knowledge engineering, etc. The research on named entities includes named entity recognition, disambiguation, coreference resolution, attribute extraction and relation detection, etc. Focusing on named entity recognition, disambiguation and crosslingual coreference resolution, the paper gives a thorough survey on the state of the art of these tasks, including the challenges, methods, evaluations, performances and the problems to be solved. The paper suggests that, the performances of the current systems of named entity recognition, disambiguation and cross-lingual coreference resolution are far from the requirement of large-scale practical applications. In the view of methods and approaches, named entity recognition, disambiguation and cross-lingual conference resolution should he carried beyond the natural language texts and should be investigated directly among the large-scale, redundant, heterogeneous, ill-formed and noisy web pages.