MapReduce is used wildly as a parallel computing framework, mainly including the Map function and Reduce function.Map function has the output of the key-value pairs, which are the input of the Reduce function. As a result, the input of Reduce is dynamic. The load balancing of Reduce hosts has an important impact on the efficiency of MapReduce. This paper sampled the overall data. The aim was to obtain reliable key distribution at a cheap price. Then, it proposed a greedy algorithm to divide data to achieve Reduce load balancing, taking the place of hash algorithm. The main idea of the proposed greedy algorithm was to assign the right job to a Reduce host for the best load balancing in each step. Simulation results show that proposed algorithm has better performance than the other two algorithms. Compared with the default Hash partitioning algorithm,the proposed algorithm decreases the running CPU time by 10. 6% , and achieves better load balancing.