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  • 期刊名称:岩石矿物学杂志,2008, 27(6):489-504.
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:P611.13[天文地球—矿床学;天文地球—地质学] P618.51[天文地球—矿床学;天文地球—地质学]
  • 作者机构:[1]中国地质科学院地质研究所,北京100037, [2]南京大学地球科学系内生金属矿床成矿机制研究国家重点实验室,江苏南京210093
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目(40673040);中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20070420418);中国地质科学院地质研究所基础科研经费资助项目(J0723) 南京大学内生金属矿床国家重点实验室倪培教授、吴昌志老师、刘吉强博士在包裹体测试过程中给予极大的帮助,山东省第四地质矿产勘查院刘建文高级工程师协助野外考察,美国地质调查局I-Ming Chou和Robert Burruss在拉曼分析方面提供便利条件,一并表示衷心的感谢.
  • 相关项目:不同地质流体混合作用机理及其成矿效应



The corundum megacrysts in basalts from Changle of Shandong Province, as the main source of blue sapphires in China, contain varied types of fluid and melt inclusions. Knowledge of their micro-thermometry, compositions, densities, and trapping temperatures (T) and pressures (P) is insufficiently known, which has hindered the study of source areas of sapphires, phase behaviors of fluids/melts in the Earth' s interior, and genesis of corundum megacrysts. The authors performed detailed mireo-thermometric measurement of the inclusions and used a newly-developed technique to analyze the densities of some fluid inclusions that were hardly obtained from micro-thermometry. Fluid inclusions are CO2-rich with minor other volatiles and have lower densities of 0 -0.55 g/cm^3(mostly lower than 0.3 g/cm^3)or otherwise higher densities of 0.65- 0.75 g/cm^3. The fluid inclusions with lower densities resulted from leakage. The other type of fluid inclusions is rich in H2O-CO2 with minor other volatiles and has low salinities with bulk densities of 0.64 - 0.78 g/cm^3. Except for a few which can be homogenized at 1 100--1 300℃, the two types of melt inclusions mostly cannot realize whole homogenization, which is attributed to the high viscidity of solid materials within the inclusions. For the other three types of melt inclusions, except for some which can be homogenized at 1 040-- 1 280℃, the others cannot be homogenized due to heterogeneous trapping of immiscible fluids and melts. Consequently, the lowest homogeneous temperatures of 1 000-1 100℃ are considered to be the real trapping temperatures. On the basis of the temperatures and by using isochores of fluid inclusions, the trapping pressures are constrained at 350--640 MPa, corresponding to 12--23 km litho-static pressures of the lower/middle crust. The phase changes in many CO2-rich inclusions cannot be observed during heating and cooling, which seems to be an important symbol for distinguishing Changle corundum from corundums of other areas. In addition
