The mild-slope equation was used to change the expressions for the speeds of wave propagation in the SWAN spectral equation, which overcomes the shortage in the diffraction computation with spectral model. Compu- tational results from the improved SWAN model agree with observations in wave basin at the University of Dela- ware. This shows that the improved model can preferably simulate the propagation of wave on complicated topogra- phy. The model was applied to compute the spread of wave in the port basin of Pipamen power station, and to ana- lyze the significant wave height under four different layouts of breakwaters. Research discovered that the orientation of the breakwater was remarkable for the improvement of the mooring basin conditions, and that the width of break- water entrances played a small role. Therefore, breakwater extension should be perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation in order to effectively cover the entire basiru This is a significant reference for similar coastal structures.