Based on the seismic data,sedimentary pattern analysis,maximum displacement-lengthfitting diagram and displacement-distance evolution profile,the evolution of fault and its control on oil-gas in Saihantala sag are studied.It reveals that the growth of the boundary fault experienced following stages:(1)During the sedimentary period of Aershan Formation,it could be divided into 3segments with independent growth;(2)During the sedimentary period of first Member of Tenger Formation,the south and mid segment linked together;(3)During the sedimentary period of second Member of Tenger Formation,the three segments grows into a whole fault.The second class faults occurred as echelon shapes,formed a typical segment linkage mode in the plane.The growth and evolution experience independent growth stage,soft connection and flexible connection stage respectively.The transfer zone formed in the process of fault growth and segment linkage results in high-quality reservoir rock,with corresponding source rock,cap rock and trap,eventually creating favorable hydrocarbon accumulation.