网络通过ADSL拨号的方式连接到广域网,整个网络现有1台Cisco2600路由器和2台Catalyst 2960交换机,没有任何网络安全设备。单位用户时常出现网络掉线问题和断网情况并且网速很慢,严重影响单位的正常工作。由于人员变动,导致目前网络整体布线及电话布线情况不明,浪费许多网络及电话资源。基于上述原因对其分析与在网络改造的可扩展基本原则下,对整个网络建造提出了新的方案。
The current network is connected to the WAN through ADSL dial-up.There is only a Cisco 2600 routers and 2 Cisco Catalyst 2960 network switches.There is no network safety equipment.Users are frequently confronted with network failure and low transmission speed,which seriously affect the work efficiency of the unit.Therefore,a new scheme for network construction is proposed in this paper.