B ased on the survey data of rural m igrant w orkers from 5 cities in Shaanxi Province, including X i’an, X ianyang,W einan,B aojiand H anzhong city,and applying the A nalytic H ierarchy Process (A H P),this paper evaluated the differences and influencing factors about the urbanization degree of rural m igrant w orkers in 5 cities by a com prehensive index system of six individual indicators, including living conditions, econom ic status, professional developm ent, social netw ork, basic rights, and psychological aw areness. R esults show that there w ere large regional differences for both the com prehensive index and the individual indicators of the urbanization degrees of rural m igrant workersamong5cities,ShaanxiProvince.Thehighestcomprehensiveurbanizationdegreeofruralmigrantworkerswas 48.09% in H anzhong city and but the low est w as 40.59% in X i’an city. For individual indicators, the m axim um difference w as found in the basic rights and m inim um difference w as found in living conditions. R esults also show that the influence factors include age, cultural level, personal incom e level, and regional incom e level. B ut different factors playeddifferentrolesoneachindividualindicator.Inordertoimprovetheurbanizationdegreeofruralmigrantworkers, com prehensive policy m easures should be created according to localconditions in differentcities.