以鲫[Carassius auratus(Linnaeus)]、鲈鱼(Lateolabrax japonicus)、鳜鱼(siniperca chuatsi)、罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)等4种淡水鱼类为研究对象,利用新型渔用循环水槽测量其临界游速和爆发游速。试验结果表明:水温在20.50±1.00℃,体长为16.88±1.99 cm的鲫相对临界游速为7.69±0.59 BL/s,相对爆发游速为8.64±0.60 BL/s;水温在13.02±1.00℃,体长为31.85±2.89 cm的鲈鱼相对临界游速为2.10±0.14 BL/s,相对爆发游速为2.37±0.11BL/s;水温在18.52±1.00℃,体长为29.46±1.79 cm的鳜鱼相对临界游速为2.50±0.19 BL/s,相爆发游速为4.38±0.24 BL/s;水温在15.57±1.00℃,体长为22.56±2.26 cm的罗非鱼相对临界游速为5.33±0.29 BL/s,相对爆发游速为6.00±0.40 BL/s。
The critical swimming speed and the burst swimming speed of Carassius auratus, Lateolabrax japonicus, Siniperca chuatsi and Oreochromis niloticus were determined by vertical circulating water flume tank in laboratory. The results showed that the when water temperature was 20.50+1.00℃, Carassius auratus with body length of 16.88±1.99 cm cm had critical swimming speed of 7.69 ±0.59 BL/s, and burst swimming speed of 8.64 ±0.60 BL/s; when water temperature was 13.02±1.00℃, the Lateolabrax japonicus with body length of 31.85+2.89 cm showed critical swimming speed of 2.10±0.14 BL/s, and burst swimming speed of 2.37±0.11 BL/s; when water temperature was 18.52±1.00℃, the Siniperca chuatsi with body length of 29.46±1.79 cm had critical swimming speed of 2.50 ±0.19 BL/s, and burst swimming speed of 4.38+0.24 BL/s; when water temperature was 15.57+1.00℃, the Oreochromis niloticus with body length of 22.56±2.26 cm had critical swimming speed of 5.33+0.29 BL/s, and burst swimming speed of 6.00±0.40 BL/s.