The restraint contract discussed together by rural communities of Qing dynasty, is a folk autonomy regulationthat had compulsory normative content, which is for protecting the geomancy, the resources of wooded mountain, ecologicalenvironment and communal facilities. From the forming process of the restraint contract, firstly the rural public order ismainly advocated by the authority figures and organizations of the clan , the squire, the beadle and the local communities ;then discussed and agreed by people of the same ethnicity or from the same village , through the specific ceremony pub-lished to the folk. The restraint contracts of rural combination or family combination involved in the belief, production, zo-ology, public ware fare, pubic security and so on, which is about the public regulation of the daily llfe. From the discus-sion and effectiveness of implement of the regulation of prohibition, the form and the maintain of the public order thanks tothe effort of all the rural people, at the same time, the authority of the government is also very important, and it finds itsbalance in the interaction of the government and the folk. Together with the private contract and state statutes, the autonomyregulation, which is representative by the restraint contract, draw a picture of the legal order of the rural community, havinga great reference to the current self-governance of the grassroots.