The (porphyry-)skarn Cu-Fe-Au polymetaUie deposits in southeastern Huhei constitute an important component part of the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt. The Tonglushan ore district is characterized by various types of mineralizations and large-sized ore bodies and represents the most important economic mineral district in southeastern Hubei Province. Nevertheless, little research work has been done on the timing of various skarn deposits and the genetic association of igneous rocks with mineralization as well as the tectonic frame- work of these deposit. Molybdenites from the Tonglushan skarn Cu- (Fe-Au) deposit and the Jiguanzui skarn Cu (Au) deposits yielded Re-Os model ages ranging from(136.8 ±1.9) to (138.1 ± 1.8)Ma and from (137.1 ± 1.9) to (138.8 ±1.9) Ma, respectively, with isochronal ages being (137.1± 1.9) Ma and (138.2 ± 2.2) Ma, which are considered to be reliable estimates for the timing of the Tongltishan and the Jiguanzui deposit. These data indicate that ages of various skarn deposits are almost identical to the zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age of (140.3± 1.8)Ma for the related granodiorite, almost the same as ages of other (porphyry-)skarn Cu-Mo deposits and skarn Fe deposits in southeastern Hubei Province and even those of the Jiurui Cu-Au (Mo), the Anqing Cu-Fe- Mo (Au) and the Tongling Cu-Au ore districts in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt. Combined with geological, geochemical and geophysical evidence, it is proposed that the skarn Cu-Fe-Au deposits in TongliJshan constitute a part of extensive igneous rocks and corresponding skarn Cu-Fe-Au mineralization that resulted from lithospheric thinning and basaltic magma underplating, which, in turn, were triggered by the roll- back and/or window of the downgoing slab related to the subduction of Pacific plate in East China.