该文讨论了无荷重悬链线的样条精确表示问题。利用代数双曲函数空间中的4阶AH Bézier样条基函数,引入一个线性变换,先确定样条曲线的形状因子,再根据AH Bézier曲线的端点性质和一阶导矢值,确定反求的控制顶点。可以精确表示一段无荷重悬链线。算法具有明显几何意义。
It's discussed that how to represent a piece of catenary under no load by the AH Bézier spline of order 4.The shape parameter of the AH Bézier curve can be gained by a linear transformation,then the control points of the Bézier-represented catenary are obtained expediently by the end points properties and the first derivative of the curve with the obvious geometrical meaning.