基于纳米试验系统研究了碳纳米管工具电极的在线制备和导电性能测试方法.首先利用电弧放电将碳纳米管焊接在钨针尖上,制备碳纳米管工具电极;然后在线测试碳纳米管工具电极的伏安特性,分析碳纳米管与钨针焊接前后电阻的变化.通过局部焦耳热法改善碳纳米管与钨针的接触特性,用Au离子溅射法降低碳纳米管工具电极的电阻,提高电极的整体导电性能.试验结果表明,碳纳米管与钨针焊接后,电路中的电极电阻明显降低,碳纳米管工具电极的电阻约为130 kΩ,经过90 s局部焦耳热处理后,电极电阻降低到55 kΩ左右,比原电阻减小约60%,接触性能明显改善;再经过Au离子溅射处理后,电极电阻进一步降低到40 kΩ左右,比原电阻减小约70%,从而显著提高了碳纳米管工具电极的导电性能.
The preparation method and performance test of Carbon Nanometer Tool(CNT) electrodes were explored on the basis of a nanometer test system. Firstly, a CNT electrode was prepared by volt- age arc discharge. Then, the volt-ampere characteristic of the CNT electrode was measured online to analyze the resistance variation of CNT and the tungsten needle before and after welding. Finally, the contact characteristic between CNT and tungsten needle was improved by local Joule heating, the re- sistance of CNT electrode was reduced by Au sputtering, so that the holistic conductive performance of CNT electrode was improved greatly. Experimental results indicate that the resistance of CNT elec- trode is about 130 kΩ, which is much fewer than the sum resistances of CNT and tungsten needle be- fore welding. The resistance of CNT electrode is reduced to 55 kΩ after 90 s local Joule heating, which is 60 % lower than its initial resistance and improves the contact characteristic between CNT and tungsten needle obviously sputtering, which is 70% fectively. Moreover, the resistance of lower than its initial resistance CNT and, electrode improves is reduced to its conductive 40 kΩ after Au performance ef-fectively.