针对极低温吸附制冷技术的热沉制冷系统,系统分析了极低温吸附制冷的特性,研究了热沉温度对极低温吸附制冷性能的影响,研制了一台极低温吸附制冷机样机,工质气体为氦4,在1.5W@4.2K G-M制冷机基础上实现了50μW@0.8K的制冷性能,验证了基于机械制冷系统的更高热沉温度技术的可行性,这一成果为深空探测和载人空间站相关研究提供了技术支撑。
In order to match a suitable heat sink cooling system,characteristics of sub-Kelvin sorption cooling are analyzed. The effect of heat sink temperature on the performance of sorption cooler is then studied. A prototype of sorption cooler is designed and investigated. Based on a pre-cooler of 1. 5W@ 4. 2K G-M refrigerator,performance of 50μW@ 0. 8K is obtained for the sorption cooler with4 He as the working fluid. The experimental results validate the technical feasibility of a higher heat sink temperature obtained by proposed mechanical cooling system,and the research results will also provide technical support of sub-Kelvin cooling for China's deep space exploration and manned space station program.