In two-deformable mirrors amplitude distribution and conjugated goal, the beam front of main laser is phase of the main laser have been adaptive optics system, the main phase as the beacon light. When same to that of the beacon light corrected. According to concept transmitting laser has the same the main laser incidences to the in the goal, the amplitude and of the two-deformable mirrors adaptive optics technology, a two-deformable mirrors adaptive optics system was designed. Wavefront corrections of two-deformable mirrors and a single deformable mirror were compared. The feasibility of two-deformable mirrors technology was validated by experiment. Experimental results show that the near-field intensity of laser beam is hold for full field compensation of amplitude and phase, and the focal spot distribution of the far-field is closer to diffraction limit. The Strehl ratio (SR) of far-field image increases from 0.71 to 0.85 using the two DMs AO system instead of conventional AO system.