目的 基于汉语普通话的语音学特点,编写叠加有言语背景噪声并符合成人心理物理学特征的声调识别测试材料,以期实现模拟真实语言环境下对声调识别能力的客观评价方案.方法 确立符合言语测听和语音学要求,兼顾简短、常用、有意义的编写原则.参考现代汉语常用字表,科学选取日常生活中常用的80个音节且四个声调均有对应实际含义的320个实词(80个音节×四声),构成声调识别测试材料词库.由两位专业播音员在本底噪声<30 dB(A)的专业录音工作室中,使用Electro Voice RE-20麦克风连接Huilian RMC-200型记录系统分别录制男声版和女声版的音频素材.采用Cool Edit Pro 2.0声音处理软件而对实词的音频素材进行强度处理、降低背景噪声并加入2 ms的静音间隔形成基础音频材料,并进一步行数字化处理.以听力正常人为受试者,根据其主观感受对基础音频材料的响度进行调整.结果 以16名听力正常人为受试者对320个实词进行主观响度调整,去除变异度过大的32个测试项,最终确立288个测试实词(即72个音节×四声),录制男、女声普通话声调识别测试材料各一套.以录制本组测试材料播音员的长时平均语谱为目标,采用FIR滤波器对高斯白噪声进行滤波,调整竞争噪声的均方根幅度,提取具有言语特异性的掩蔽噪声.在言语识别测试平台的控制下,可根据测试要求对噪声强度进行调整,实现固定信噪比条件下的汉语普通话声调识别测试.结论 成功编制具有言语特异性掩蔽噪声的汉语普通话声调识别测试材料,可为声调识别能力的研究提供评价工具.
Objective The aim of this study was to develop comprehensive test material for Mandarin tone identification in noise (M-TINT) based on the linguistic characteristics in Chinese.Methods In keeping with both the reliability and efficiency in clinical practice,a primary list consisted of 320 words (80 syllables in four tones each) was designed according to the following principles:shortness of the lists,word familiarity and with a meaning in all four tones.The digital sound file was recorded by a male speaker and a female speaker (both of them are radio broadcaster).Results The tonal identification material database,which included 288 items (72 loudness-balanced syllables in all 4 Mandarin tones) was established by digital filler and balanced for equal loudness.The complete material was recorded in two CDs in a male version and a female version.The speaker-specific masking noises were generated by filtering Gaussian white noise to the speaker's long-term average speech spectrum (LTASS) and by scaling the masking noises to the same RMS amplitudes,as those of the speech,in order to acquire the effective sound masking.The speaker-specific masking noises could be able or disable during the word presentation.The sound pressure level could be selected concerning on the test setting.Conclusions The mandarin tonal identification materials were designed by both the tonal acoustic properties and the psychophysics characteristic of adults.It is an useful speech test in clinical work and research,and can potentially be used as the basic list for other tonal language identification test in the future.