通过对国内有关城镇化发展质量评价的研究文献在发表年代、成果名称及出处、指标主要构成、研究区域、研究方法及指标数据来源等内容的对比分析,梳理出国内城镇化质量评价研究的成果和存在的问题.在此基础上从定量和定性2 个方面重新构建城镇化健康发展质量评价指标体系,定量指标体系涵盖经济、社会、资源与环境、公共服务与居民生活及城乡统筹与城乡一体化健康发展5 个方面共计60 个指标;定性指标体系涵盖城乡发展协调程度和城镇居民满意度2 个方面共计32 个指标.在测评方法上,学者们常用的熵值法、因子分析法、层次分析法、模糊综合评判法等分析方法均适用于该指标体系.对城镇化质量进行实际测评时,要求定量和定性指标体系同时使用,且测评结果应基本相同.研究成果旨在为科学、全面评价中国城镇化质量提供一套可参考的指标体系.
By comparing the number of research documents about the quality of the urbanization in years of literatures, names and published sources of the literatures, the constrction of quality evaluation index system of ur-banization, the characteristics of the study areas, research methods and date sources and so on. Finally,the prob-lems and shortcomings on urbanization quality evaluation system research at home are presented and some sugges-tions are given to solve these problems. And then based on these literatures, we redesigned the urbanization healthy development index system which includes 60 qualitative indicators and 32 quantitative indicators. Some available methods such as entropy method and factor analysis and the analytic hierarchy process method and so on for analysis and evaluation are described. It aims at providing useful reference for scientific and comprehensive evaluating quali-ty of urbanization.