分布于云南西双版纳的棒花羊蹄Bauhinia claviflora L.Chen和海南的薯叶藤B.dioscoreifcolia L.Chen长期被认为是国产特有种植物,实际上分别是广泛分布的缅甸羊蹄甲B.nervosa(Wall.ex Benth.)Baker和牛蹄麻B.khasiana Baker。作者依命名法予以归并。
The taxonomic status of two long recognized endemic Chinese species of the genus Bauhinia is clarified as part of our endeavor to prepare the manuscript of Caesalpinioideae for Flora of China. Bauhinia claviflora L. Chen and B. dioscoreifolia L. Chen are reduced to synonymy of B. nervosa (Wall. ex Benth.) Baker and B. khasiana Baker respectively.