GPS(Global Position System)是空袭武器系统精确打击技术的基础保障,在现代战争中发挥着重要作用,发展GPS干扰技术对于提升防空能力具有重要意义。鉴于传统的GPS干扰技术干扰能力有限,研究了网络化GPS干扰系统及其优势,并以采用GPS+INS(InertialNavigationSystem)组合导航为制导方式的巡航导弹为例,模拟了网络化GPS干扰系统对巡航导弹的干扰过程。仿真表明了该系统的优势,为信息化条件下的防空反导作战提供思路。
As basic guarantee for air weapon system precision strikes technology,GPS plays an important role in the modern war,developing GPS jamming technology has important significance in ascending air defense ability. As traditional jamming way has limited jamming capacity,network-type GPS jamming system and its advantages are studied in this paper,the cruise missiles which take GPS+ INS integrated navigation as its navigation way is taken as an example,the jamming process is simulated. The simulation shows the advantage in the condition of information war. of system and provides idea for anti-missile air defense