In this article, we come up a new way to describe the volatility (considering the contribution of the wave motion situation of the time left to the expiration) and then modify the old BS model. Moreover, we describe the actual meaning of the wavelet variance toward financial data. At the same time, we illustrate the condition for choosing the scales when decomposing the process and get the wavelet variances. Firstly, we use the method named wavelet and multi-scale analysis to decompose the process, and find out the component scale contribution to the whole date wave process made by different wave motion components. And then, in order to fully reflect the real wave motion situation, considering the contribution made by the future time component (the time left to expiration) on the whole process, we reconstruct the volatility by making each component has different weight which is made according to the contribution toward the process. Finally, we use the new volatility to modify the Black Scholes Model. After the empirical analysis, we confirm that the new model MBS is valid.