Taking Fengqiu County, Henan Province as the study area, three representative pedo-transfer functions (PTFs) fitted in the different regions were employed to predicted bulk density of 169 soil samples collected at 40 sites, the results with rather low precision demonstrated that the PTFs should be one of the kind of functions characterized by regions, soil types and profile horizons. In view of the mentioned above, PTFs were fitted respectively for topsoil and subsoil on the basis of basic soil information obtained using the methods of regression analysis. The results indicated that subsoil bulk density could be accurately predicted by a classic regression PTF, in which sand and OM contents were best predictors and could explain above 90% of bulk density variance. Compared to that for subsoil, PTFs for topsoil had an evidently low predictive capability, perhaps because topsoil was always suffered much stronger influences of some stochastic factors, especially human activities. Further studies showed that a stepwise multiple regression (SMR) procedure could obviously increase the explained variance of the PTFs by adding predictors, but could not necessarily improve the predictive precision, which mainly depended on the numbers of candidate predictors and their data quality.