High transparency and delicate taste are the most important quality indices of the crystal starch products. In order to clarify the effect of starch characteristics on the crystal products' textural quality, 5 kinds of starch originated from wheat, corn, potato, cassava and mung bean were selected as research material to determine the starch granule property,damaged starch content, gelatinization property, as well as their correlation with crystal skin transparency and texture quality. The brightness, transparency and texture properties were chosen as indices for evaluating the quality of crystal starch product, which could not only reflect the product palatability, but also avoid the difference of artificial factors. The indices were determined by the colorimeter, the ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer and the texture analyzer, respectively.The experiment was carried out in Henan Agricultural University from March to June in 2015. The results showed that different starch skin showed significant difference in the quality. By evaluating the starch skin brightness, transparency and texture qualities, the wheat starch skin showed the best quality, followed by potato, cassava and corn. The worst quality was found in mung bean starch product. The brightness of wheat starch skin was 77.81, which was the highest brightness in research. The wheat starch skin had the light transmittance of 22.83%, and it also had better chewiness, more moderate hardness, springiness and firmness under the same condition. Therefore, wheat starch skin demonstrated the best palatability to make crystal skin, because it had more excellent quality characteristics. The average particle size of starch was significantly and positively correlated with crystal skin brightness and light transmittance, which should be attributed to the reason that starch molecules with larger size were easier to swell and be fully extended. The average particle size of starch was significantly and negatively correlated with crystal skin springiness and chewiness