以鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio)幼鱼为研究对象,在25℃条件下将90尾体重为(8.12±1.30)g的实验鱼平均分成0 h锻炼组(对照组)、6 h锻炼组和12 h锻炼组,以60%临界游泳速度(Ucrit)持续运动锻炼15 d,每天锻炼时间分别为0、6和12 h;随后对实验鱼进行Ucrit、耗氧率(MO2)和快速启动(Fast-start)的测定。结果显示,经过运动锻炼鲤鱼幼鱼的Ucrit和Fast-start与对照组相比,均没有显著提高,但6 h锻炼组的实验鱼在30和36 cm.s-1的流速下MO2显著降低,而12 h运动锻炼组的MO2始终处于较高水平。研究认为可能是由于在低于Ucrit流速下的适度的运动锻炼可能会提高鱼类在该流速下的能量利用效率,而高强度的锻炼则会使它们的基础代谢处于较高水平。
To investigate the effect of exercise training on the swimming performance and metabolic rate during swimming in ju- venile common carp (Cyprinus carpio), 90 juvenile fish (8. 12_+1.30) g was forced to swim under 60% critical swimming speed (Uc,i,) for 0 h (control), 6 h and 12 h daily for 15 d. Then three groups of fish were underwent both an Uc~it and fast- start measurement. The oxygen consumption rate (Mo2 ) at different swimming speed was also measured. Neither U~r~t nor fast-start performance as indicated by maximum velocity (V~x), maximum acceleration velocity (A~) and travel distance during first 12 ms (S~20 m~) significantly changed after 15 d training in juvenile common carp. However, the Mo2 at 20 and 36 em s t of fish in 6 h training group were significantly lower than those in control group while the Mo2 at all swimming speed of fish in 12 h training group were significantly higher than those of control group (p~0.05). It suggested that the cost of trans- port decrease after moderate exercise training (6 h), however, high intensity training (12 h) may impair the cost of transport by increased basal metabolic rate.