In this study, the normal spectral emissivity of aluminum alloys A15052and A16061 were measured by a reflective spectral emissivity measurement apparatus with the temperatures range from 300 up to 873 K.The determined data showed an in- creasing emissivity, this trend was approximated by a linear least~ squares fit. At different temperatures, the influence of the heating time over the spectral emissivity was also different. While the composition of two alloys was broadly similar, there were substantial dif- ferences in normal spectral emissivity between A15052 and A16061.In the process of radiation temperature measurement, the problem that the normal spectral emissivity of two alloys was considered approximately equal may lead to the results of temperature measure- ment with large error.The results of the study will further enrich aluminum alloy spectral emissivity data and provide the experimental basis for its application in temperature measurement in industry.