本文介绍了非负矩阵分解(Non-negative Matrix Factorization,NMF)的基本原理和性质,将现有NMF算法分为了基于基本NMF模型的算法和基于改进NMF模型的算法两大类,在此基础上较为系统地分析、总结和比较了它们的构造原则、应用特点以及存在的问题,最后预测和分析了未来NMF算法研究的可能方向.
The fundamentals and properties of non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) are introduced, and available NMF algorithms are classified into two categories: basic NMF model-based algorithms and improved NMF model-based algorithms, Based on these, the design principles, application characteristics, and existing problems of the algorithms are systematically discussed. Be- sides, some open problems in the development of NMF algorithms are presented and analyzed.