采用测桶移位受淹试验,研究了淹水条件下水稻拔节孕穗期生理性状与产量要素响应特征。结果表明,淹水深度占株高的2/4时,历时3、6d的处理略有增产,淹水深度占株高的3/4和没顶淹水是随淹水历时增加水稻减产程度加剧。拔节孕穗期淹水导致水稻结实率降低、穗长变短、秕粒数和植株干质量增加。根据淹水试验资料,建立水稻分蘖期淹水胁迫条件产量损失预测模型,综合指标模型:Ry=-0.000 8SSW+1.122 1(r2=0.937,P〈0.05),最为适用。水稻在拔节孕穗期的蓄滞雨洪深度上限为40-50cm,高于水稻常规灌溉的蓄水上限。
Through the displacement of barrel submergence experiment,the response of physiological characters and grain yield under submergence stress condition during jointing-booting Stage were studied.The results showed that the yield increased when the submergence ratio was 2/4of the plant height lasting 3d and 6d;instead,the yield decreased rapidly according to the submergence duration when the ratio was 3/4and complete plant submergence.The seed setting rate and spike neck length decreased,while blighted grains and dry matter weight increased under submergence stress condition during jointing-booting Stage.The predicting model of yield losses under the submergence stress during the jointing-booting stage was established.The model,Ry=-0.000 8SSW+1.122 1(r2=0.937,P0.05),was the most appropriate.Rice had the adaptive capability to submergence in the jointing-booting stage,and the upper limit of water submergence depth during the rice jointing-booting stage was 40-50cm higher than the traditional value.This research could provide references for the waterlogging monitoring,fast evaluation of damage and waterlogged field drainage standard determination.