The speciations of bioavailability trace elements including iron,manganese,copper and zinc in aqueous solution and artificial gastric acid solution of the Salviamiltiorrhiza were studied.The organic and inorganic,labile and stable forms were separated by Oasis TMHLB solid extraction minicolumn and D401 chelating resins.The resin XAD-7 was used for separating Salvianolic acid and other organic binding speciations.At the same time,the analysis of the distributon of protein and polysaccharide binding speciation of trace elements was done.All of the contents of the metal species above were determined by Flame atomic absorption spectrometry.The results showed that the content of protein binding speciation of Zn and Cu is higher than that of Fe and Mn,and the content of Cu is the most in the polysaccharide binding speciation,while Fe is the richest among the organically bonded elements retained on XAD-7 resin.