中国原子能科学研究院已经建成一台"在线同位素分离器"(BRISOL),在线产生并分离出需要的放射性离子束用于天体物理、核结构和材料科学等研究。其中研制的放射性核束鉴别装置,用来测量并鉴别能量30~300 ke V、束流强度在104~1011Particle/s放射性离子束(RIB)的种类。介绍了该装置的原理、组成及调试结果。该装置结构紧凑,可在有限空间内完成核素的积累、转运和能谱测量。该装置已经用于"在线同位素分离器"的在线调试,通过在线获取的射线能谱确认了产生的38K+放射性同位素并给出放射性束流的强度。
The beam identification unit are developed in China Institute of Atomic Energy for Beijing Ra-dioactive Ion-beam Facilities Isotope Separator On-Line (BRISOL), that has been constructed with arming to generate short life radioactive ion beam (RIB) [30~300 keV/104 ~1011 Particle/s] on-line to be used in sci-ence research about astrophysics, nuclear structures and materials after separated. The device could shift the radioactive spot from beam line to the position in front of detectors, and obtain the spectrum of radiation and the intensity of beam. The prototype of the unit has been tested and installed on the beam line. In the first commissioning the nuclide 38K+ has been identified with beam current about 105 particle/s.