With the academic circles paying more attention to the structural differences of national innovation system,researches on innovation ability gradually transform from the national level to regional and industry levels. Taking theregion as an observation unit of innovation activity and making regional differences analysis become a general consensus.Concerning the description statistics,influence factors and countermeasures,this article reviews the relevant literatures onregional innovation differences in recent years,and finds out that the research of regional innovation differences in ourcountry is gradually deepening,while it also has great disparity in theory or empirical analysis compared to the analysis ofregional economic difference. Considering the limitations existing in current researches,the paper brings forward that thefuture research on China's regional innovation disparity should focus on such aspects as multi-scale spatial statistics,evolution mechanisms,the comprehensive empirical studies on impact factors and integration dynamic analysis of spatialstructure. The paper also suggests we should use the regional economic difference analysis tools and research methods torealize the cross-disciplines research.