Emotional computing is becoming a hot topic.From this,the definition and construction of the Emotional Word Co-occurrence Network(EWCN) is firstly analyzed.Then,the paper elaborate the approach to study the small-world effect, scale-free degree distribution,network resilience,mixing patterns and other statistical properties of EWCN.To validate this,1284 emotional words are extracted from 22157 online customer reviews,and then the EWCN is constructed by counting the distribution of the 1284 words in 12000 sentences.The results show that the average path length is 2.89 and the clustering coefficient is 0.19, which is consistent with the small-world effect.The vertex degree distribution and edge weights distribution obey the power-law distribution,indicating that EWCN has a scale-free structure.The results also show that the degree of a vertex is proportional to its strength and interaction coefficient,and EWCN is an assortative mixing network.