为提高木质化插穗生根质量,培育三角梅健壮扦插种苗,摸索培育优良种苗的扦插方法,比较不同生根剂、生根剂不同浓度、不同扦插基质对插穗生根率、生根数量、生根鲜重、移栽成活率的影响,并监测扦插池空气温湿度。结果表明,三角梅‘绿叶大红’的木质化枝条扦插,以河沙为扦插基质、100 mg/L双吉尔生根粉(GGR-6)与750 mg/L吲哚丁酸(IBA)混合液浸泡15 min,扦插池气温在25-40℃,前期湿度在97%以上时,平均生根数量可达107条,生根率可达98%,移栽成活率达96%。生根率与后期种苗移栽成活率不相关,生根数量、生根鲜重与种苗移栽成活率极显著相关,可作为扦插生根效果的衡量指标。
To improve rooting quality under lignified cuttage of Bougainvillea glabra, culture strong seedling,and explore suitable cuttage method, the effects of different rooting agents, dosages and substrates on rootingrate, number, weight, and survival rate of transplantation were surveyed. At the same time, air temperature andhumidity were monitored. The results showed that when woody branch was immersed into a mixture of 100 mg/L GGR- 6 and 750 mg/L IBA for 15 minutes, and cultured in sand with the condition of 25- 40℃ airtemperature and 97% humidity in early growth period, the average rooting number, rate and survival rate oftransplantation of cuttage reached 107, 98% and 96% respectively. The rooting rate was not related withsurvival rate of transplantation. The rooting number and fresh weight were extremely and significantly relatedwith the survival rate of transplantation, and could be taken as evaluation indexes of the rooting effect.