以国家农业部指定的20种恶性入侵植物为目的种,在海南岛开展其分布特征与入侵强度的调查研究,重点研究了陆域环境中6种广布入侵植物——飞机草(Chromolaena odorata)、假臭草(Praxelis clematidea)、含羞草(Mimosa pudica)、苏门白酒草(Conyza sumatrensis)、三裂叶蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)、马缨丹(Lantana camara)在7种生态系统(天然次生林、农田、村落、种植园、林缘、弃耕地、草地)中的入侵频率及入侵植物对本地植物的影响。结果表明:1)海南岛有恶性入侵植物11种,占调查目的种总数的55.0%。2)海南岛的东北、西南部分布的入侵植物种数较多,东南部次之,中部地区最少。3)6种入侵植物的整体入侵强度为:假臭草〉飞机草〉含羞草〉三裂叶蟛蜞菊〉马缨丹〉苏门白酒草;苏门白酒草、马缨丹在不同生态系统中的入侵频率无显著差异;而假臭草在种植园及弃耕地,含羞草在农田,三裂叶蟛蜞菊在种植园生态系统中的入侵频率均显著高于其他生境。4)种植园、弃耕地和农田生态系统是植物入侵的主要生境类型,而林缘和天然次生林生态系统均对植物入侵表现出抵御作用。5)植物入侵对当地植物多样性的影响存在正、负及无关联效应,并主要影响群落中的草本植物功能群;样地中入侵植物盖度总值与本地植物平均种数在种植园、农田和村落生态系统中无相关性,在林缘和弃耕地生态系统中,两者呈显著负相关关系;而在草地生态系统中,在一定盖度范围内,入侵植物盖度总值与本地植物平均种数呈显著正相关关系。
Aims Our objective was to explore the distribution patterns of 20 noxious invasive plants in Hainan Island notified by the National Ministry of Agriculture, and their influences on native plants. We also focused on investigating the traits of six most widely spread invasive plants and plant distributions in seven types of terrestrial ecosystems. Three hypotheses were deployed in this study: (1) the ecological effects of plant invasion were related to the characteristics of invaded ecosystems and successional phases of invaded communities; (2) the invasive plants rather affected certain functional groups than the whole communities;(3) and most invasive plant species tended to colonize frequently disturbed ecosystems, while they were usually excluded by intact forest ecosystems. 〈br〉 Methods The plot survey was conducted to investigate the distributions of the 20 target invasive plants. The ap-pearance frequency of the six most widely spread invasive plants (i.e., Chromolaena odorata, Praxelis clem-atidea, Mimosa pudica, Wedelia trilobata, Conyza sumatrensis, and Lantana camara) was compared among seven terrestrial ecosystems (i.e., secondary forest, farmland, grassland, abandoned land, plantation, village, and forest edge) to evaluate the invasibility of different ecosystems. The plots invaded by target species were classified, and species richness of native species in these invaded plots was compared using one-way ANOVAS. Relationships between the total coverage of invasive plants and the species richness of native plants were assessed using a linear regression model. Important findings (1) A total of 11 noxious invasive plants were found in Hainan Island, accounting for 55%of the target specie. (2) The target invasive species were mostly distributed in the northeastern and southwestern regions of Hainan Island, less in the southeastern region, and least in the central region. (3) An order of the inten-sity regarding plant invasiveness was expressed as Praxelis cle