本试验通过不同胚龄鸡胚外源皮质酮处理,研究外源皮质酮对鸡胚生长发育及出雏效果的影响,初步探索肉鸡代谢程序化效应。700枚质量相近的AA肉鸡种蛋,分3个不同时间进行卵黄囊重复注射:孵化前注射(E0);7胚龄注射(E7);14胚龄注射(E14);每一时间点分200 ng皮质酮处理组和玉米油正对照组,并设定负对照组1个。21胚龄记录出雏时间、出雏率、出雏重、屠宰器官质量,并测定雏鸡血浆中血糖、尿酸和甘油三酯含量。结果表明:0胚龄皮质酮处理显著降低了孵化率(P〈0.05),增加了胚胎的死亡率;7胚龄200 ng皮质酮处理组缩短了孵化时间(P〈0.05),并有降低孵化率的趋势,鸡胚胎的心脏、肝脏的发育受到了抑制(P〈0.05)。研究表明皮质酮的处理效应与注射胚龄有关,此外注射本身也会对胚胎的发育和物质代谢造成一定的影响。
The experiment was conducted to investigate the possible effect of corticosterone treatment at different hatching time on the development of chicken embryos. Seven hundreds of AA broiler eggs were divided into 7 groups and randomly subjected to one of the seven treatments: corticosterone treatment (200 ng) at E0, E7 and El4, three positive control groups that injected with corn oil at E0, E7 and El4, and one negative control group. The incubation time,hatching ability and posthatching body weight were recorded. The blood samples were collected and the organs weight were measured after hatching. The results indicated that corticosterone treatment at E0 significantly reduced hatching ability(P〈0.05) and increased mortality of embryo. Corticosterone treatment at E7 shortened the incubation time (P〈0.05) and tended to reduce the hatch- ing ability. The development of heart and liver were restrained by corticosterone treatment(P〈0.05). The result showed that the effect of corticosterone on the development of chicken embryo was age dependent. Moreover, the effect of injection had an adverse effect on embryos as well.