详细介绍了美国高尔夫球协会果岭部(USGA Green Section)推荐的最新版(2004)USGA果岭建造标准方法。与1993年标准相比,新方法在以下一些方面做了改进:根层混合物的渗透率要求有所降低、根层铺设厚度的允许误差范嗣增大、砾石的选择范围放宽、允许使用无机土壤改良剂、排水管道可选用新型材料等等。这使得各种建造材料更容易获得,有利于降低建造成本。同时有助于提高我国球场果岭的建造水平,增强高尔夫从业人员科学建造果岭的意识,对促进我国高尔夫运动的发展起到积极的推动作用。
The latest version (2004) of the USGA recommendations for putting green construction was introduced in details. Compared with the 1993's version, some improvements were made in the following aspects: (1) Lowered the saturated hydraulic conductivity value of the root zone mix. rootzone. (3) Increased the range of the gravel. (4) Allowed (2) Widen the tolerance plus or minus of the depth of the the use of inorganic amendments. (5) Used of flat pipe. As a result, it was easier to find the construction materials and cause the lower cost. This new method could improve the level of Putting Green Construction in China. It was also helpful for the development of Golf industry in China.