运用我国30个省(区、市)企业2000~ 2009年环境行为数据,从政府环境政策的引导、居民环境偏好的拉动、国内外市场竞争的压力以及企业自身可持续发展的必然要求四个方面对企业进行污染控制、实施清洁生产等行为的驱动因素进行分析,构建企业环境行为panel data模型,识别影响企业改善环境行为和表现的关键因素,论证企业环境行为的外驱因素如何转化为利润和竞争优势等内驱因素,进而促使企业积极承担环境责任.
The driving forces of corporate environmental behavior include the guidance of government regulations, the exci- tation of resident' s preference, the pressure from domestic and international market and the needs of corporate development. This paper first establishes the empirical Panel Data model with the help of the data of 30 provinces (cities) in China from 2000 to 2009 ; identifies the main factors which make corporations improve their environmental behavior and performance, and then analyzes how the driving forces translate into profits and competitive advantage which affect corporate responsibility directly.