It is significant to put forward a thickness measuring method ot high temperature power plant structures based on SH mode, which used a waveguide to isolate the transducers from the high- temperature measurement zones. It was found that a nondispersive SH mode guided wave in rectangu- lar waveguide was employed to transmit the guided wave signals from the transducers to the measure- ment zones. In addition, experiments were investigated by dry-coupled to attach the waveguides to the components, whichshows that clamping the waveguides to the component surfaces may get best re- sults. By using Hanning window modulated sine wave signals with 2 MHz center frequency, the thick- ness difference of the measured values and actual values of wall thickness is 0.016 mm at the room temperature(25℃). Performance at high temperatures was tested without signal degradation. The er- ror ranges of wave velocity measurement values and the velocities of the fitting curve are 0.1% to 2.5%.