After the sovereign debt crisis,the EU member states recognize that the disadvantage of high welfare system represented by pension system can be reciprocal causation with the outbreak of sover- eign crisis.Therefore,these countries believe that the establishment of pension benefits system in line with the national government debt affordability is one of the important means to ease the debt crisis. At present,China is in a critical period of the pension system reform.It is necessary to use for reference and clarify the pension system reform measures taken by EU countries.According to a comparative a- nalysis of issues which is confronted by the Central European pension systems, it is possible to estab- lish the three pillars of pension system. Specifically, at a macro level,a state-level governance struc- ture should be improved,while setting up an effective enterprise annuity system on meso level is also required.At the same time,at micro level,it is asked to enhance personal account and stimulate their motivation to participate in commercial insurance.