目的:调查上海地区乙型肝炎(乙肝)家庭聚集性形成的危险因素。方法:设计调查表,调查先证者家庭成员乙肝感染相关行为危险因素,以乙肝聚集性家庭为病例,非聚集性家庭为对照进行危险因素的分析。结果:共调查298个家庭共870名家庭成员,经多因素Logistic回归模型分析发现:家中有肝硬化患者(OR=2.548,95%CI 1.352-4.800;P=0.004)、共用搓澡巾(OR=1.864,95%CI 1.125-3.089;P=0.016)是乙肝家庭聚集性形成的独立危险因素。结论:与乙肝相关肝硬化患者共同生活和共用搓澡巾是上海地区乙型肝炎家庭聚集性形成的危险因素。
Objective: To investigate the familial clustering risk factors for hepatitis B in Shanghai area. Methods: A standard,two-page questionnaire was designed to investigate the risk factors for HBV infection in the family members of index cases. The risk factors were analyzed between families with HBV clustering and families without HBV clustering (controls). Results: A total of 870 family members from 298 families were investigated. Multivariable analysis showed that family members with liver cirrhosis (P=0. 004,OR=2. 548,95%CI 1. 352-4. 800) and sharing of towels (P=0. 016,OR= 1. 864,95%CI 1. 125- 3. 089) were the independent factors for familial clustering of hepatitis B. Conclusion: Family members with liver cirrhosis and sharing of towels are the major risk factors for intrafamilial transmission of HBV in Shanghai.