Lailishan and Xiaolonghe Sn deposits are typical greisen type Sn deposits in the west Yunnan province. Electronic probe analysis and microscope observation of ore from the two deposits are carried out and comparison analysis of metallogenic environments conducted to reveal their genetic differences. The result shows that Fe^3+ and Sn^4+ in cassiterite occur in isomorph and the higher the fuigacity the more Fe^3+ occurs in the cassiterite and the deepr color the cassiterite is. Fe content in Lailishan Sn deposit is obviously lower than that in Xiaolonghe Sn deposit and color of the former's cassiterite is lighter than that in the latter's. This indicats that environment of the fomer is more open with relative low oxygen fugacity and stronger mobilizatioin of Sn complexes in the ore fluiid and the greisen type Sn deposit is formed at outer contact zone of granitic body and in fissures within wallrock and that environment of the latter is more closed with relative high oxygen fugacity and weaker mobilizatioin of Sn complexes in the ore fluiid and the greisen type Sn deposit is formed in tectonic fractures at top of granitic body.